Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Rumah Idaman Kelabu

Dear darling readers, :)

After we married, we stayed with my parents in law for 6 months. Then we decide to move out and start to live independently. Alhamdulillah we survived! muahahahahah so far! muhahaha..

We rent somewhere near to Kajang juga so senang for Sinan and I balik tengok Mami & Baba kerap sikit.

Thats a lil bit of our story.. Sooo back to the topic "RUMAH IDAMAN KELABU"

We have been survey around new houses which still in development and some baru nak softlaunch and we are soooooooo surprise with the current market price. Its totally a biiiiig number compared to last year. Mostly houses that meet to our liking mostly starting 500k-600k+. 

Source: Puncak Bangi

Ok I am not sooo surprised if the rumah located at elite area such as Damansara, KL, Bangsar, PJ, Subang, TTDI or etc.. tapi ini rumah yang agak jauh kedalam and susah nak access pun harga dah setengah juta..Oh man.. so tak masuk akal.. and the design is so-so je.. and even worse barruuuuu soft launch dah setgh juta..Dah siap mesti laaa mahai habaq hang! Phewwww...

Source: Twin Palm, Kajang

So can I merayu, tolongggglah jadikan harga rumah as one of kawalan harga barang as well.. please government..hear me hear me!! harga rumah soooooo karut...karuit..karuiiiiitt!!

Source: D'alpinia, Seri Kembangan

So I think so far the best option for us, duplex townhouse/low rise condo. Okla, sesuai for young couple like us.. Nanti anak dah ramai besar we tukar rumah million ya sayang.. :) muahaha.. sempatla usaha lebih keras! aamiiin...

P/S: We mmg nak beli rumah dah siap.. taknak tunggu 2-3 tahun baru boleh duduk. Pictures above contoh je.. bukan rumah yang we survey :p jutaan tu you! Kecuali d'alpinia tuh..intermediate 500k++ and its leasehold! venci!

Love, :)



bEth said...

hahahaha i feel u sis!

aziatul said...

im so brain freeze.. xdak idea nk tulis artikel..aku pon browse la blog hang..
i agree prop price rising like hell..pastu nk compensate pjgkan payback period..damn..x kan nk tanggung hutang smpai 7 keturunan kan..
pasni mgkn caravan era will be now everything are mobile..kihkih..

Nuown said...

beth: sister... hahahahhah.. kalau dah dpt rumah bagitau la k.. i nak jugak..kot2 laa berjiran tertangga! :p

mam: tp tp.. rumah sold out mcm hapaaa jaaaa...sanggup je orang beli.. caravan? sian weh laki bini nak buat kerja susah..hahahahhaha... :p